Jeffry TandionoThe struggle on becoming the mutual friendI have come to realization it actually hurt me to introduce friend to another friend group.Jan 11, 2023Jan 11, 2023
Jeffry TandionoThe Misconception of “or”, “||”, “and”, and “&&” in RubyLearn from mistakes for better futureNov 8, 2020Nov 8, 2020
Jeffry TandionoinLevel Up Coding7 Laws That Software Engineer Must KnowThe laws to conclude a certain principle behind themSep 26, 2020Sep 26, 2020
Jeffry TandionoEngineer Note #5: Clojure’s Concurrency and ParallelismBlocking, Thread, Reference Cell, Mutual Exclusion, Deadlock, Futures, Delays, and PromisesSep 5, 2020Sep 5, 2020
Jeffry TandionoEngineer Note #4: Clojure’s Reader, Evaluator, Macro ExpanderClojure’s Evaluation ModelAug 29, 2020Aug 29, 2020
Jeffry TandionoEngineer Note #3: Clojure’s Persistent VectorsWhat is it? How does it work? Why should we care?Jul 20, 2020Jul 20, 2020
Jeffry TandionoEngineer Note #2: Understanding Clojure Sequence AbstractionHow map and reduce works on Clojure for list, vector, set, mapJun 1, 20201Jun 1, 20201
Jeffry TandionoEngineer Note #1: Generate Swagger API on Ruby on RailsRemoving the tedious tasks of API documentation with RSwag and Swagger-blocksMay 18, 2020May 18, 2020